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"Allow me to give you my personal perspective about this kind of weekend For having just experienced the Indiana Harmony Brigade this past November. The eXtreme Quartetting Brigade is truly a high for anyone who loves to quartet. The fellowship, ringing chords and just plain enjoyment of singing with your fellow Barbershoppers is what it's all about. I was very apprehensive when I first decided to go, specifically regarding the time needed to prepare. Ten songs is a lot of music to learn really well and... I just didn't know what to expect! However, when I arrived, I realized this was a quartet singers place to be. There was no question everyone was very dedicated and knew their music. It was without a doubt a most fulfilling experience for me. In fact, if it weren't for my role as the coordinator of our Harmony University's Quartet College, I would be a part of the HUXQB this summer."
"Thank You! In your modesty you placed most, if not all, of the credit for the success of IHB on others. While it is true that the others were necessary for the weekend to happen, the bulk of the inspiration, hard work, and "invested hours" fell on your shoulders. It was great...great meals...great fun...great music...and great fellowship!!! I was amazed at how well it was planned and coordinated. I'm sure there were glitches, there always are, but they must have been minor and unknown to most of us...what a feat of organization! Above all, I appreciated the opportunity to sing with some of the best quarteters (is that a word) in the district. It was a privilege and a joy that I probably would not have had otherwise. Again, thank you both for your dedication to barber shopping and persistence in organizing the Inaugural IHB. You have earned my greatest admiration."
"The Brigade weekend is truly a blast for all!! To fellowship and just plain enjoy what it is we do. I was apprehensive when first invited to the IHB. Will I have time to be prepared and are these guys just plain crazy? I didn't know what to expect. Other than what AH told me and he's kind of vague sometimes. What a dedicated group and I feel that this year's over all chorus level was very high. That chorus could've scored well in any contest, that's the truth!!!” It has been a fulfilling experience for me. I'm looking forward to the next one and, becoming an actual member next year. I just wish more champs, district and international, would step up and enjoy it with us. I'll see what I can do in that department. See you all next year."
"I love Brigade more than anything in barbershopping. This is absolutely the best barbershop event of my year. I am a two time District Champion, and an International Quarter Finalist, and I will tell you that this is NOT just another event. Fortunately, I was able to see the vision of Brigade through the eyes of Duane Henry and Terry Silke. I knew before going that this could be the best thing to happen to barbershop in our area ever!"
"Thanks for this wonderful present you have given to us. The idea sounded good when you originally described it, but this turned out to be a significant highlight of my Barbershop career. I'm indebted to you, my friend, for this experience. You've done a good thing here and made a true impact on this hobby. Not everyone gets a chance to do that. I'm very glad you took that chance."
"Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!! Duane, and please pass on my heartfelt thanks to all who helped you bring this event into being. The weekend was A truly Great Experience that will be remembered and replayed in my mind throughout the year. Our chorus went to the Lafayette Tippecanotes Guest night Tuesday and it was all we could talk about."
"What can I say??? What a terrific weekend. I have to admit that I have been having a little barbershop burn-out lately. Did you and the guys change that! It was just what I needed to recharge my batteries on this great hobby of ours."
"Great all round. Everyone was prepared."
"One of the best barbershop events I ever attended."
"I want to do it again next year!"
"Great singers, great company, well organized."
"It was better than my wildest expectations."
"The event exceeded my expectations. I'm glad I went. Everybody I sang with was prepared."
"Everyone I sang with was well prepared."
"It was better than expected and I expected a lot."
Ticket sales for the Brigade Show are now available! Click below to purchase!
High Sierra Harmony Brigade - Copyright 2014-2024